From Kicad_install_Notes in the Download section of he web site. Mint section.
Enter these commands into a terminal: (Just copy and paste sthe 3 lines below into the terminal)
sudo add-apt-repository --yes ppa:js-reynaud/kicad-4
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install kicad
After that enter the following line by copy and paste into the terminal.
sudo apt-get install kicad-library
All the libraries that were left out of the 4.0 distribution will be there and you can start to do your tutorials. You will have to load the PIC12C508A schematic symbol of your choice by using the library editor in eeschema. The PIC is in microchip_pic_12mcu.lib This library in Mint is located under:
File System/usr/share/kicad/library.
This method just works for me. My thanks to Kruno3 and Andy P, 5 gold stars on your homework card. *****
If You do not have schematic symbols, just install that package with
sudo apt-get install kicad-library
The Windows installer (from includes the libraries.)))