Newbie Help, Flexible Trace Circuit

why not just use the teardrop plugin? its great.

It looks like it was (since the plugin makes curved diamonds ) but it also looks like thermal relief was enabled somewhere that it shouldn’t - probably on the footprint pad. This causes the teardrop plugin to create a shape but the shape then adds thermal spokes and thus invalidates the entire point.

Change the footprint pads to inherit from the plane and not mandate thermal ties

For the edge connector, It is a standard SMD Pad
For the circles, It is a standard Through hole circular pad, then I added tear drops
For the bulb, that is a custom shape pad, and I did to create pad from shapes.

I did use the teardrop plugin.
I don’t see any thermal ties selected.

Will the teardrop plugin work with bottom copper on a TH board ? Is it designed to work with kicad or independently of kicad with the board file ? Where would I look for directions on how to use a python plugin with a board file, or with kicad5, as the case may be ?

So I’ve been doing lots of learning, I’ve created several models following the proper KiCAD methodology. Footprints, schema, PCB, etc.

My next question, how do I put a top layer mask, or cover over my model like pictured?

I’ve created a simplified version.4 Pin Flex (26.3 KB) Completed Foil

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