New user help: netlist is always missing connections

hi do any one know why after i created a schematic / export the netlist
and when i import the netlist in pcb layout it is always missing connections?
this happens even if i delete the connections in the schematic, reconnect them, regenerate the netlist and importing them in pcb layout again

the schematic file is here:
you would need to save that as test.sch
and the generated pcb file is here
you would need to save that as test.kicad_pcb
stock footprints are used for the components

You have an error on your transistor symbol in the schematic. Both the base and emitter are pin 2.

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In the titlebar of your second screenshot I saw:

Pcbnew (2013-dec-23)-stable

Which is prehistoric in KiCad timeline.

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oh thanks very much, i didn’t realise that :slight_smile:
i used the component from the library and did not see that duplicate lol
thanks i fixed that on a local copy and the netlist is generating well now :slight_smile:

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