New install of 8.0--layout not visible

Your right!

So, neither Kicad 7.0 or 8.0 was in the list of programs “to customize”. But, I can browse to the exes and add them to the list. But, I have no clue what settings I need to mess with.

Also, do I need to do this for pcbnew, eeschema, and whatever binary renders the 3d viewing?


Do I need to back and try setting the default GPU again?


Try to change the preferred GPU in the NVIDIA Control Panel for KiCad first.

Yes. 3D viewing is handled by pcbnew.

In Windows Graphics settings - not sure.

So, I used the Nvidea control panel to add Kicad 7.0 and Kicad 8.0 to the list of applications that can have their GPU settings changed.

The Nvidea GPU still doesn’t show up in the WIndows 10 settings->system->graphics pulldowns.

The Kicad symptoms are unchanged.

Out of the rabbit hole now.

I don’t see a way to do that on a per application basis. It’s already set to prefer the NVidia graphics processor globally.

Yet, the NVidia does not show up as a per application setting in Windows Graphics settings.

I see this setting in my control panel with a note that it’s now managed by Windows.