New Install Mac OS X Library Problem

Hope this is the correct place for this.

I installed KiCad a couple of days ago and cannot find any symbols to start a schematic drawing. Tried to go through library placements, tried to download new library files, and update paths, tried to add and append libraries in some table.

No symbols…how the heck do I get this thing working??


could you take a screenshot of the library manager found in the preferences menu of eeschema?

This part?

you need to add your libraries to this table. Use the browse libraries button to do so. (A file browser like dialog will open. navigate to your libraries and select the .lib files you want to add. shift plus leftclick can be used to select many libs at once. crtl plus leftclick can also be used to add files to the selection.)

It is however strange that this got not setup when you first ran kicad. Normally you get asked if you want to create the default library table when you open eeschema or the symbol editor for the first time. Is it possible the libraries are a separate package under mac osx?

Yes libraries are a separate package.

I think I got the question when I first started it up, but could not choose the default choice as it was greyed out.

I will try to add them. Thank You :slight_smile:

Ok, that sorted out the lib files.
Guess I need to do something similar with the others too?

Same dialog in pcb new will handle the footprint libs.
Have a look at this: How can i install a specific version of the footprint library?

Thanks for your help Rene :slight_smile:

Got schematics, PCB and 3d view to work.
Time to learn best practices and make some designs :slight_smile:


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