New fill problem

I have a fill in layer 1 but I cannot fill any other layer. Here I show two fills that are in net GND1 with each having a via that is in GND1. I also tried running traces.

There needs to be some connection to a pad of the given net. So your traces ending nowhere will not do the trick. See How to create a power plane (using zones)

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Just saw this happen in front of my eyes elsewhere. The thing is that I thought that a ground pad via is also a pad. Weirdly, the other fill also went in because it was connected with a trace to the component. Why is a via pad not a pad for fill purposes? Anyway, as a new-ish user I got burned 3 times by fill befuddlement. Another time it was because my fill did not cover 50% of the pad. I think it would be nice if there was some more fill feedback, like every time a new board is created when you do the first non-fill a popup emerges giving all the reasons it’s not filling:
warning: no fill because

  1. vias are not pads
  2. the 50% coverage thing when the component is on the same layer and no trace
  3. fill area must be connected by trace to pad that matches the nets

Thanks for your tolerance. I did look around first but I thought a via was a pad

A zone must be directly or indirectly connected to a component pad. That’s logical because pads correspond to symbol pins which form nets when connected together, and component pads just reflect the schematic. If a copper area isn’t connected to a component pad it’s necessarily isolated from the net.

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