Nets not loading in net classes

I have updated Kicad 6 to Kicad 7.0.5 on Mac OS 11.7.8. Here is my version info

Version: 7.0.5-0, release build

	wxWidgets 3.2.2
	FreeType 2.12.1
	HarfBuzz 5.3.1
	FontConfig 2.14.0
	libcurl/7.87.0 (SecureTransport) LibreSSL/2.8.3 zlib/1.2.11 nghttp2/1.41.0

Platform: macOS Big Sur Version 11.7.8 (Build 20G1351), 64 bit, Little endian, wxMac

Build Info:
	Date: May 26 2023 08:59:16
	wxWidgets: 3.2.2 (wchar_t,wx containers)
	Boost: 1.80.0
	OCC: 7.6.3
	Curl: 7.77.0
	ngspice: 38
	Compiler: Clang 13.0.0 with C++ ABI 1002

Build settings:

For some reason I cannot see the nets list in net assignments window. I tried with a new project or even a new project from template.
If I load an older project created in Kicad 6 the nets are shown fine.
Is this a known issue? Is there a orkaround?

The net to netclass assignment has changed.
You should first read the referring section of the documentation: Schematic Editor | 7.0 | English | Documentation | KiCad

A summary can also be found in older threads: V7 Methods of adding net to netclass - #2 by mf_ibfeew.

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Thank. I made a few experiments and now I try to realize how they work. It’s still a little confusing how and when the assignments are shown in the netclass dialog. For example:
If I add an assignment using a directive label, or net label properties using the additional field, I cannot see it in the netclass dialog but it’s visible in the schematic.
If I add an assignment on a net label with right click > assign netclass, it’s visible in the dialog but not on the schematic.
Is there any way to be visible and thus editable on both?

Is there any way to be visible and thus editable on both?

No, (at least currently). Either the netclass-dialog way or the graphical way.
Maybe the new search-panel in the board could be interesting for you - there you could see all nets and the assigned netclasses. Sadly the search-panel still needs some work - for instance sorting is not implemented (so currently also only with limited use).

rumor for the future: If I follow the gitlab-activities correctly I think there is some netlist-manager in work for eeschema. I don’t know if it’s only for getting an overview or if it could also be used for editing parameters (for instance netclass-assignments). Time will tell :slight_smile:

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