Hi all,
As i use Kicad often i used it to create a schematic for a device that i have to wire up.
Now the problem is that if i have to wire according to the schematic. A friend of mine is helping and he has no experience with this.
To get this done faster it would be nice to be able to generate a list like:
device1p1 to R1
R1 to device4p3
something like a csv output. very basic.
Now basicly this is what a netlist is so i should be able to convert this to a csv using a plugin or something right?
This would save time if you have to wire up something because you dont need to think about it.
Maybe something allready exist.
Here is a sample netlist plugin in Python. It uses kicad_netlist_reader.py which comes with KiCad. If you know Python, it should be easy to generate any output you want.
# Example python script to generate a netlist from a KiCad intermediate netlist
# Bob Cousins 2019.
Generate a net list file.
Command line:
python "pathToFile/netlist_gen.py" "%I" "%O"
from __future__ import print_function
# Import the KiCad python helper module
import kicad_netlist_reader
import sys
def find_net (ref, pin):
for net in netlist.nets:
for node in net.getChildren('node'):
if node.get("node", "ref") == ref and node.get("node", "pin") == pin:
return net
return None
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("Usage ", __file__, "<netlist.xml> <output file>", file=sys.stderr)
# Generate an instance of a generic netlist, and load the netlist tree from
# the command line option. If the file doesn't exist, execution will stop
netlist = kicad_netlist_reader.netlist(sys.argv[1])
# Open a file to write to, if the file cannot be opened output to stdout
# instead
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
f = open(sys.argv[2], 'w')
except IOError:
e = "Can't open output file for writing: " + sys.argv[2]
print( __file__, ":", e, sys.stderr )
f = sys.stdout
f = sys.stdout
# Generate a YAML style netlist
components = netlist.getInterestingComponents()
f.write ('---\n' )
f.write ('components:\n' )
for comp in components:
f.write (' - ref: %s\n' % comp.getRef() )
f.write (' value: %s\n' % comp.getValue() )
part = comp.getLibPart()
f.write (' lib: %s\n' % (comp.getLibName() ) )
f.write (' device: %s\n' % (comp.getPartName() ) )
f.write (' footprint: %s\n' % (comp.getFootprint() ) )
pins = part.element.getChild('pins')
if pins:
f.write (' pins:\n' )
for pin in pins.getChildren():
f.write (' - num: %s\n' % pin.get("pin", "num") )
anet = find_net (comp.getRef(), pin.get("pin", "num") )
if anet:
f.write (' net: %s\n' % anet.get("net", "name" ) )
f.write (' net: _none\n' )