NetClass Directive placement not possible any more

I used net classes in former KiCad projects and it worked fine.
I work with KiCad Version: 8.0.1, release build.

In a new project it is not possible any more to place net class directives any more. As soon as I place it, it disappears. Furthermore I found out that even in older projects the netclass directives are deleted.

First update to 8.0.7 and try again.
8.0.1 has hundreds of minor bugs, since fixed.

Thank you for the fast reply. I will try this on monday since my KiCad is installed on a company PC and I don’t have admin rights.

I did update to KiCad Revison 8.0.7 but this did not help. The strange thing is the a collegue did place net class directives (he used the same KiCad revision), but when I open the same schematic I can
neither see the directives nor place new ones. Is the there an option to hide net class directives?

View → Show Directive Lables

Dear gkeeth, thank you very much for the hint!