Net-tie won't route to other footprint

I’m trying to route my PCB and this notification persists appearing. There are no keepout areas nor board outlines at that place. This happens with every net-tie i try to route…

What version of KiCad are you using?
[ There was this bug with older versions but this was fixed in 5.1.3]

Version 5.1.6

This has to do with Edge.Cuts as i understood. How is it related to this issue, i have no problem with routing everything else, nor do i have problems with the Edge.Cuts drawings.

I assume the green between the pads are your netties.
Pad 1 of the right net tie (which has net “+3V3” is connected to pad 2 of your connector with net “Net-(GR4-Pad3)”.

The nettie on the left also seems to have mismatched net labels, but it’s not really readable in your screenshot.

This is not the same issue as the error text in the message box so I’m not sure how to interpret that. I also see no ratsnest lines. Have you turned those off?

What happens if you drag the offending footprints to an empty board area and place them next to each other?

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