Net Classes typing

When typing numbers in Net Classes, is it important how it’s typed? Example:

1 – 1.27 (no unit typed/point decimal)
2 – 1.27mm (unit typed, without space)
3 – 1.27 mm (unit typed, with space)
4 – 1,27 (decimal with comma)


I suspect space doesn’t matter nor does period/comma, but I’m not sure you will always get the correct default unit.

But there’s one way to find out for yourself. Change it to something distinctive in each format, save, and see if it has taken when you reopen the project. Let us know the results.

Thanks. It corrects it to the unit (with the space) no matter how we type it, which is good.

Now back to HUGE problems with Schematics Electric Rules checker – all to many errors for what may seem like be for no reason…

Now back to Schematics Electric Rules checker – all to many errors for what may seem like be for no reason…

You can switch off ERC-checks which generate too much “false errors” for your workflow.
It’s your decision (and responsibility) to judge the importance of each separate ERC-check.

6.0.3 and Testing after R260 until a couple of days ago has totally broken ERC
Now fixed as 6.0.4

Thanks, where do I set that?

Schematic-Setup → Electrical Rules → Violation Severity

Oh yea, great thanks!

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