Need some placement/positioning advice. Placing center of component in center of polygon

I imported a DXF with test points from a already manufactured board. All test points are indicated by a circle made from a polygon. There are no center-indication inside the polygon, but there are indications on sides and top/bottom where I can view the correct X/Y coordinates. I note them down by hand, see procedure for Y coordinate here:

When I have made a manual note of the coordniates, I manually type them back in my component position fields. I have thought of using the grid and it’s origin to help me, but I have to place the origin twice and therefore will lose the X-position when I move to Y-position and vica versa.

Appreciate any help to streamline my process.

If all the Test Points in the DXF are the same size you could make a temporary TP Footprint the same size and manually place these over the DXF TPs, you will have enough accuracy to manually place them without having to check the coordinates.

Then you can use these temporary TPs to snap your final TPs in place, then delete the temporary TPs.

Not a huge improvment, but on windows you can use the multiple clipboard (open it by WIN+V).
So you can copy the X coord, then the Y, then go in your footprint property and paste the X and the Y coordinate.

Good idea! I placed a via the exact size over the TP, but I couldn’t snap to the center of the via afterwards… So then I placed a component as you proposed and it worked.

But then I found out the test pads are not 1mm, they are 1.016mm. Which I then found out is imperial 40 mils. I then figured the test pads are placed on a 0.02 in grid, so now I’m placing everything manually without aid.

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Quite elegant solution. One that I wish I came up with myself. Thank you.

Modify or replace the circles to add a center mark before you do the DXF export. Then you can simply snap to the centers.

I did not do the dxf export unfortunately.

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