Need larger mounting hole 13mm-16mm

I hereby certify that I am not simply asking someone else to design a footprint for me.

This is an auto-generated message that is in place on the “footprints” section of the forum. If I remove it and ask for a footprint to be designed anyway, I understand that I will be subject to forum members telling me to go design my own footprint or referring me to a 3rd party footprint site.
I am designing a PCB layout but am in need of a larger mounting hole. The largest I can find in the library is 8.4mm. I downloaded a 10.2mm but it was too small. Is there any way to get or make a larger mounting mole? My thoughts are anywhere between a 13mm and a 16mm. Can someone help me with this?
Thank you

You make your library (footprint libraries are simply folders).
You copy footprint to your library (footprints are files - if you want you can copy them out of KiCad).
You edit your copy.

How to make your library using KiCad you should find in FAQ, I think. I have done it so long ago (KiCad V4) that I don’t remember.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Need 10mm mounting hole footprint

There are no conceptual differences between a 10mm hole or a 16mm hole and therefore I close this duplicated thread.