I’m new to Kicad (and creating schematics) and I’ve come to a warning and am not sure if I need to be concerned with it. I’m not seeing any errors at this point, only this warning around my EEPROM.
The warning says: Conflict problem between pins. Severity: warning
…Pin 7 (bidirectional) of component U1 is connected to Pin 1 (power output) of component #FLG0105 (net 35)
The pin is marked as ‘bidirectional’ and is expecting to be used for some sort of data. You have it hooked to power. If this is correct then you need to change the pin type for this application or live with the error.
According to the datasheet pin 7 is WP = Write Protect, which is an input pin, not bidirectional. Where did you get the symbol? If from the Kicad library, please report a bug.
The connections on the left all go to GND, which is why it looks that way. Are the junctions wrong? I just have a ground line going up the side to make it easier to tie all the pins in
Your I2C resistors seem to be connected erroneously.
The 2k2 resistors seem to be in series with SDA and SCL, while they should be pullup resistors to your positive power supply (Whether 3V3 or 5V).