NC pins on Power Regulators

Hi All,

I have noticed that some of the power regulator like TLVxxx have No Connect pins which you can connect to but the PCB is not updated, i.e. there is no connected on the PAD.


The manufacturer recommends you connect these NC pins to ground to improve thermal dissipation so I updated the symbol to change the pin type from Unconnected to Power_In and all seems OK.

Is this the correct way to fix this issue?


Making modifications to symbols such as this is both common and normal. If you “change” the function of this pin, then I recommend to also make it visible. Probably add a text note too somewhere. According to the TI datasheet, it’s OK to connect this pin to GND, but this may make it more difficult to find pin compatible substitutes

Thanks Paul,

I will make the pin visible and create a custom part,


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