Narrow scrollbars in KiCad on Linux/KDE

Hello. I have large 4K display. I had to scale icons in Preferences first. But what still annoys me is narrow scrollbars.

Had similar problem with other applications, e.g. Gwenview. Solved by modifying
But it has no effect on width of scrollbars in KiCad.

Tried googling around already. No luck :roll_eyes:

KiCad uses gtk2. If you find corresponding config it might work.

Hello, thanks for poiting out that KiCad uses gtk2.

So I just wrote this in ~/.config/gtk-2.0/gtkrc and in ~/.config/gtkrc:

style “myscrollbar”
class “GtkScrollbar” style “myscrollbar”

restarted PC and same problem…though it helped few people with GTK-2 apps. Not this case :neutral_face:


I tried running kicad binary with the use of strace tool to obtain list of gtk2 configuration files that it attempts to read.

strace -o trace ./kicad

found out that ~/.config/gtk-2.0/gtkrc and ~/.config/gtkrc are not opened at all,
but figured out that I need to put it in file named ~/.config/gtkrc-2.0. gtkrc-2.0 is file NOT a directory.

KiCad is now usable on my large 4K display, large icons, wide scrollbar. Nice.

Hope this helps someone else, too !


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