My .sch and .pcb's don't match?

How do you get the arrow you have in bullet point 1 of 17.

Enable text on the selection filter…so easy when you know. RB’s gone now.

I have added another circuit and cleaned a lot of the problem but some still elude me,
what the…
that looks serious?

Silkscreen clipped by solder mask? I don’t want a silk screen.
Item shorting 2 nets? can you explain these to me please.

I seem to have lost the ability to do a solder fill again.
If I try to add a solder fill it just gives me a blue hatched box on the lines I traced.
Can you see what I am doing wrong?

I didn’t have graphics ticked in the selection filter, it works now. Could that have been the problem?

Something else I am having trouble with, confirm please that the pcb in the PCB editor I am looking at is the board from the top with the blue BCu on the bottom and the red FCu on the top even though the red track looks to be under the board? (79.4 KB)

For the → see eelik’s reply a few posts back.

You have C1 with the incorrect orientation.

With the silkscreen overlap if you click on C2 you can clearly see the C2 silkscreen overlapping with C1. If you don’t want any silkscreen for the component then you can edit can untick show reference. It’s far easier just to move the references to the don’t overlap. Also when building the PCB now you will have no references when assembling.

KiCad projects can only have one schematic per PCB. You really need to move the new schematic/PCB to a different project and give the new PCB a edge cut.

Also on the new schematic you have ignored all my previous suggestions.
I’d also add a 100nF decoupling cap to the atmega328.

Red tracks are on the top layer. Blue, or green in my case are bottom. Change the layer back to top to see the red traces on top. Or press V to alternate been T and B

The GND fill is not working as you do not have any references to GND on the PCB. The GND is in the zone properties is referring to the GND on the first circuit which is why you need to split this into a new project and then first fix the schematic.

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Ha! I didn’t realise the significance of his reply → _ → easy when you know how.

rb now called board_9 cos that’s what it plugs into.
I have tidied my files up and corrected the wrongly orientated C1.

rb2 now called butter_box cos that’s what it goes into.
I have moved the project to its own file.
I am in my 70’s, familiar with space hungry computers such as ZX80 and 6502, more recently ladder programming on PLC’s and now Arduino and ATTINY. I can’t get the hang of having acres of space and always try to put as much into a small space as possible.

I have added the required power supplies to the sch and altered a few other things, I will tidy up the layout at a later date.
I do get 2 errors? one of the batteries is not connecting to power pins but the other is fine?

On checking all the overlaps I have moved the references, rotated R1, added a decoupling cap, altered the solder fill and I now get no DRC errors on the PCB editor…
I couldn’t have done most of it without your help.
butter (70.1 KB)

This is looking good. You have made some good progress.

The power pins issue is easy to understand one you know what the error is.

For ERC to pass a power output pin needs to be connected to a power input pin.

So for example the Vcc on the atmega328 is a power input pin and this is connected to the L7805 output. On the 7805 symbol you can see the following:

So KiCad is happy with this: Power out connected to Power in.

However on the 7805 Input (and GND) there is no power input feeding it.

You would expect the battery pins to power output however this is not the case:

To fix this you can just the PWR_FLAG to input and GND (Or if you really wanted to create your own symbol for the battery and change the pins to power output)

PWR_FLAG: a specific symbol for indicating that a net is powered when it is not connected to a power output pin (for example, a power net that is supplied by an off-board connector).

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Batteries can be charged, or put in series, and that would not work in KiCad if the pins are defined as power output.

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Thanks Guys,
I added power flags and the ERC is now clear. I put the gnd one the same orientation as the power one, Does this matter?

Orientation doesn’t matter, only connection does.

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Orientation matters for readability by humans, but it does not matter for KiCad itself.

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