My PCB editor won't open

My problem is that my PCB editor won’t open, when I try to open it, and it shows me this error message :
Failed to load shared library ‘C:\Program Files\KiCad\7.0\bin_pcbnew.ddl’ (error 127: The specified procedure cannot be found.)
As shown in the photo below

Thanks for all the reply


What is your exact KiCad version? (Help - about… - Copy…)

Reinstall KiCad

If the problem persists, well it’s not going to be fun to troubleshoot

This problem smells familiar… I had similar PCB opening problems a few weeks ago and posted this.

I’m on a Mac so, perhaps not related but, perhaps it is… Also, are there any .ick files in your project? If ‘yes’, delete the .ick files…

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