My footprint change by himself, what should?

i got trouble, i used kicad old stable version… in pcbnew, my footprint change by himself auto if i open pcbnew… i make new footprint by module editor… and i must change the footprint by module propertis and than changes moduls again, and its fine… but when i close the pcbnew and open it again, the footprint chage again :frowning: what should i do? sorry for bad eng, TY :slight_smile:

yap, i make a new lib, and assosiated in cvpcb, but still change by himself if i reopen pcbnew…

this SMD Transistor, SOT-23…
i change the pad size by module editor, i save this new footprint to a new library, and i add this newlib to cvpcb and pcbnew lib, and done its nice, i save my project (offcourse i’ve done export a new netlist to pcbnew)…
but when i close the pcbnew and reopen pcbnew, the pad change by himself, pad 1 and 2 change the shape offset y to 0, but pad number 3 stil on 0.175… the x size and y size not change just the shape offset y on pad 1&2…
than i remake a new lib again and again but its still change by himself again and again…

and i try to make a new lib, but i dont chang the shape offset y on all pad, but added 0.175 on position y on all pad, i save to a new lib again, add this lib again to pcbnew, export netlist again, and yaa perfect… i try to close pcbnew and reopen viola not change by himself again…

so whats wrong with shape offset y?

check the order of libraries… your new one must come at the top, otherwise any library that contains a similar named thing in there will be used instead of your own part.
Personally I deleted all original footprint libs and only have my own.
Still bites me on the symbols as I kept the originals there…

ohh… ok thank you, i will try… thank you again… :smile: