Multiple selection in footprint editor or even pcbnew


I would like to select multiple pads, but some are above each others and I’m unable to select them with a rectangle.

Is there any pads or objects enumeration with checkboxes to facilitate the selection ?

Why not a list of all pads and objects in “visibles” panel tab ? It would then be possible to hide unwanted objects to make the multiple selection easier .

Thanks in advance for your answers.

Sorry not really possible with the current software.

What do you want to achieve. Maybe there is a workaround for your use case.

The only workaround I found finally was to edit the footprint file and changed the pads (I want to select) location to negative value, so I can select them because they are isolated.

Why do you want to select a group of pads of a footprint (or several of them) during layout?

For PCBnew a footprint should be a fixed entity most of the time. You can go in and change it right there if you want, but those occurrences are rare…

So yeah, what is the purpose of this?

Yes those occurences are rare, but it would be easier to have a multiselect system instead of modifying the file manually for footprint creation.