Multiple power ports on multiple parts components - can I hide them?

I selected a quad opamp from the linear library
I placed 4 parts - selected units A,B,C,D (by the way - is there a way that the system will select them automatically, incrementally).
Each of them appears with the power pins. Obviously I need to connect only one of them and my feeling is that the additional pins may cause some confusion (especially when there are more than one of the same component).
Is there a way to have the power pins displayed only on unit A?

Most of us maintain our own libraries to avoid this sort of silliness. I would edit the symbol and remove the unwanted pins and then save it to your own library.

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Regarding my other remark - do I have to manually specify which unit to be placed (I used to work with Orcad and over there it is automatic)

You have to specify from a drop down.

I am doing the transition from Orcad to Kicad and I guess it will take time to learn and get used to the differences

There may be unused gates. You might add them a different times during the process. If you look at it that way, then it makes sense.