Multi-Unit Power Symbols?

Are there any realistic reasons to create a schematic library part that:

  • is a power symbol &
  • has more than one unit

I never encountered such a scenario but maybe other people here ?

Hm… one could create ‘standard’ power-multi-net’s that way?
3.3V, 1.8V in one go for example, no?

thanks, please explain your idea a bit more.

The only thing that comes to mind is akin to putting in a second bracket/parenthesis when programming to make sure you don’t forget to pair it up.

I think J_S was thinking along the terms if you regularly do circuits which use multiple voltages you might want to group them together so you only have to add them once.

Closest realistic thing I can think of is a multi-core transformer but that isn’t exactly ‘power symbol’.

That is also my thought. For example, an Analog Artisan may do designs that almost always use nominally balanced bipolar supplies - (+12V and -12V), or (+15V and -15V), etc. I can imagine creating a multi-unit power symbol that places both voltages on the board at once. If you want to get REALLY fancy, your “Power Bus Input” symbol might include a footprint for a standard connector, pads for a pair of 100 uF electrolytic capacitors, pads for 0.1 uF ceramic caps, and pads for some ferrite beads - all represented by a single symbol on the schematic and automatically plopped onto the board.


As power symbols don’t have a counterpart footprint, I can’t see the point of having a multi-part power symbol.

I mean, it requires less effort to place 2 different power symbols (by the way with references #P1 and #P2 usually automatically annotated) than 2 power symbols #P1A and #P1B manually annotated.

I was just thinking loud, not that I would be doing such :wink:

ok, thanks for your replies. I discovered that KiCad does allow such things and was wondering whether real life requires it. From such questions sometimes great ideas arise. Case closed.