Using version 5.1, I put down the built-in 74LVC3G34, two per page, in a hierarchical sheet that was then instantiated many times. Running “annotate schematic” gave me one page of “U1A” and “U1B”, and the next page of “U1C” and “U2A”, and so on, continuing aggregating the units across the sheets. This required no work on my part.
Using version 7, I put down the built-in 74LVC3G34, two per page, in a hierarchical sheet that was then instantiated many times. I noticed that the 7 version lacked the power/ground connection, instead opting for a separate “D” unit that was just power and ground. The units were automatically annotated, but running “annotate schematic” after resetting all annotations gave me one page of “U1A” and “U2A”, and the next page of “U3A” and “U4A”, and so on, with a new unit per instance.
How do I get it to function as it did in 5.1? Will simply re-creating the units with power and ground and no “D” connection work? Or do I have to do something else? or is this a bug that this feature was lost?