Multi page flat design in KiCAD

I am new to KiCad. Is it possible to create Multi page flat schematic design using Eeschema ? I don’t want a hierarchical design, instead my design has several sub-circuits that I want to create as separate pages in a flat design. Is it possible in KiCad ? I also didn’t find any Project Explorer in KiCad that can give me a view of all the schematic pages in my design and its hierarchy. I am using v4.0.7. Please help.

Sure, you can create a flat design. There is an example in the examples folder. (C:\Programs\KiCad\share\kicad\demos\flat_hierarchy in Windows)

View->Hierarchical navigator shows the sheets in the schematic.

See bobc’s reply on pointers on how to do what you are requesting.

I would like to suggest that a simple hierarchial design might actually be beneficial to you. The top level would just have sheet objects for all your intended pages. You can use this page as an Index or Table of Contents for all your other pages with notes about the design intent for each page. So if you are later referring to a hard copy (or pdf) of the schematic and want to look at (for example) the power management page, look at the first page and the notes there should tell you quickly which page to go to. (Instead of flipping through all the pages until you get to the one you want.) If you use all global net names, you shouldn’t need to mess with the hierarchical net connections.

If you are really clever, you could even lay out the pages of the sub-circuits on the first page in a rough approximation of where the sub-circuits will reside on the finished PWB. And then once the PWB is laid out, move the sheet objects to roughly approximate where the sub-circuits actually ended up on the PWB.

Using the hierarchical nets would further document how your sub-circuits are connected to each other, but I agree that they can be a pain to maintain.

Thank you bobc & SembazuruCDE.
SembazuruCDE, you have indeed given me a nice idea to turn hierarchical design to a flat one. Thank you for sharing this idea. I believe it will require some time for me to get used to this method.

Nonetheless I request KiCad developers to please add a Project Explorer showing all the schematic pages and its heirarchy, atleast in the coming versions. Its a nice feature to have I guess.

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