Multi color PCB soldermask


I want create muti-color PCB solder mask (green, white, red, blue)
It is possible in KiCAD?

I have graphics in SVG with correct dimmensions

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KiCad doesn’t have several Mask layers and I doubt if any EDA has. Just use a file format from which you can import different colors to different mechanical layers. Then you have to communicate the meaning of the exported gerber layers to the board manufacturer. (Most won’t do multi color soldermask, of course.)

If you do a board with only artwork you could as well try the unstable development version 5.99 which allows renaming layers. It can also import SVG while v5.1 can import only DXF.

This may be useful:

On top of that, have you considered to just print the multi color image on (glossy?) paper and then simply glue it to the PCB? After gluing paper to the the PCB it’s quite easy to poke holes through it with a needle and then mount LED’s on it. If you want to have it this year’s christmas then colored paper with either home etching or matrix board are nearly the only options left.

I’d rather think of multiple layers of Silkscreen rather than soldermask.
Just split the grahpics into single color layers (one color per layer) and explain which layers use for what color of silkscreen print.
Expect huge premium on the final price due to non-standard process.

A cheap trick…

I don’t often mess with Silkscreens on my PCB’s but, occasionally I do and find it fairly easy to transfer from Laser printed paper to the PCB.

Have done it enough to suggest it and, if you have Color toner prints, I imagine it would work as well.
EDIT - It works on Copper, Plastic/FR4… not on conformal coatings…

The process:

• Print your graphic
• Clean the PCB with Acetone
• Tape one edge to the PCB (for repeatable alignment after incremental inspection)
• Wet a Paper-Towel with Acetone (Not soggy/dripping but, wet enough)
• Dampen the backside of the Paper/graphic with the wet paper-towel
• Press & Rub the Paper/graphic (pressing it onto the PCB)

• Lift an edge of the Paper/graphic to inspect (this is why you Tape one edge, so you can lay it back down in same place (approx)

Practice it a bit (can clean it off PCB with Acetone)

Acetone = Nail Polish Remover

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Search for a UV print service near you.
UV printers can print on maby materials and are used in many applications from electronics boxes to exterior signage.

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I don’t think I would want to bother the board house with a complex design like this… what I would do is just order the boards in the background blue color, then find a company that does screen printing to add the other colors.

“then find a company that does screen printing”

What, like a PCB manufacturer? :wink:

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