Multi-Channel: I'm getting a "topology mismatch" status when attempting to repeat layout

Hi everyone, first off, I’m very new to Kicad and this is the first time I’m attempting to build a circuit and write a schematic outside of paper and perf boards so I’m fully expecting this to be something that is a “me problem” vs. it being a bug with this new feature.

I’m attempting to replicate a buffer circuit that I’ve already arranged. In the schematic, the circuit is in a hierarchical sheet that I duplicated 2 times. The duplicates point to the original file. Each hierarchical sheet contains 2 buffers since they share a TL072 for the LEDs.

So I first updated the PCB from the schematic.

Then, in pcbnew, I “Generate Multi-Channel Rule Areas”. I select the original hierarchical sheet and the two duplicates of the first one and press “ok”.

Then I can see the outline of the rule areas around all three of the dual-buffer circuits. All the parts are grouped in each one.

Now I click on the group layout that I want to be replicated and go into tools/ Repeat Multi-Channel Layout. This is where I encounter the “Topology Mismatch” status.

If I select the checkboxes anyway and hit “ok” it just says it was copied to 0 rule areas.

Any idea where I went wrong here?

I’d love to attack a zip of the project archive, but the forum won’t let me since I’m a new user.

Thanks so much for your help!

EDIT: Here are the project files:
10HP 6 Channel Buffered (805.0 KB)

I do not have the answer to your question, but:

  1. Your humble attitude is appreciated. Many newbies quickly assume stupid software…It is guilty on rare occasions!

  2. Please go to help>about>copy version info and paste it into your next post.


Thanks for the reply! Here is the info:

Application: KiCad x64 on x64

Version: 9.0.0, release build

wxWidgets 3.2.6
FreeType 2.13.3
HarfBuzz 10.2.0
FontConfig 2.15.0
libcurl/8.11.1-DEV Schannel zlib/1.3.1

Platform: Windows 10 (build 19045), 64-bit edition, 64 bit, Little endian, wxMSW

Build Info:
Date: Feb 19 2025 17:46:53
wxWidgets: 3.2.6 (wchar_t,wx containers)
Boost: 1.86.0
OCC: 7.8.1
Curl: 8.11.1-DEV
ngspice: 44
Compiler: Visual C++ 1942 without C++ ABI

Lang: en_US
Enc: UTF-8
Num: 1,234.5
Encoded кΩ丈: D0BACEA9E4B888 (sys), D0BACEA9E4B888 (utf8)

You have self promoted to Basic level by reading this forum over the last few hours so you should now be able to post multiple stuff.

Thanks for the heads up! I’ve reformatted the original post with pictures and the project files.


First your described workflow looks good, this should work.

I looked into the project. You use 3 times the same subsheet, so the channels should be really the same. If the design on the 2BF-subsheet is simplified the multichannel command works.

I guess it’s a bug. You have overstrained the multichannel tool. If you look in the kicad manual all pictures for the multichannel tool show only 2 resistors. So you have to reduce your design until your buffer circuit works with only 2 resistors.

You may open a bug report on gitlab with your example project or maybe wait until @twl chimes in (probably more knowledge about the multichannel tool than me).

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I know this is a bit of a joke, but for clarity’s sake - the manual shows an example with 2 resistors because it’s clearer to explain the concepts with a simple circuit than with a complicated design. It’s not due to a theoretical KiCad limitation - the tool should work with bigger circuits (and it has in my testing). I have not looked at the project in this thread.


Thanks, I’ll have a look at the attached project. Could we move the bug discussion to gitlab btw?

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Thank you to whoever posted this on Gitlab!

I had some spare minutes.

Additionally I found the problem. It’s the numbering of the trimpots. Try to rename alle trimpots from TRIM_1.1 to TRIM_11. It seems the reference designator must currently consist of only one number at the end of the RefDes, not separated by special characters.

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That worked! VERY nice find! I’ll be sure to simplify my naming conventions in the future to prevent any other issues. Thanks so much!