Hi everyone, first off, I’m very new to Kicad and this is the first time I’m attempting to build a circuit and write a schematic outside of paper and perf boards so I’m fully expecting this to be something that is a “me problem” vs. it being a bug with this new feature.
I’m attempting to replicate a buffer circuit that I’ve already arranged. In the schematic, the circuit is in a hierarchical sheet that I duplicated 2 times. The duplicates point to the original file. Each hierarchical sheet contains 2 buffers since they share a TL072 for the LEDs.
So I first updated the PCB from the schematic.
Then, in pcbnew, I “Generate Multi-Channel Rule Areas”. I select the original hierarchical sheet and the two duplicates of the first one and press “ok”.
Now I click on the group layout that I want to be replicated and go into tools/ Repeat Multi-Channel Layout. This is where I encounter the “Topology Mismatch” status.
First your described workflow looks good, this should work.
I looked into the project. You use 3 times the same subsheet, so the channels should be really the same. If the design on the 2BF-subsheet is simplified the multichannel command works.
I guess it’s a bug. You have overstrained the multichannel tool. If you look in the kicad manual all pictures for the multichannel tool show only 2 resistors. So you have to reduce your design until your buffer circuit works with only 2 resistors.
You may open a bug report on gitlab with your example project or maybe wait until @twl chimes in (probably more knowledge about the multichannel tool than me).
I know this is a bit of a joke, but for clarity’s sake - the manual shows an example with 2 resistors because it’s clearer to explain the concepts with a simple circuit than with a complicated design. It’s not due to a theoretical KiCad limitation - the tool should work with bigger circuits (and it has in my testing). I have not looked at the project in this thread.
Additionally I found the problem. It’s the numbering of the trimpots. Try to rename alle trimpots from TRIM_1.1 to TRIM_11. It seems the reference designator must currently consist of only one number at the end of the RefDes, not separated by special characters.