In KiCad V5 there is no rubber banding / stretching of PCB tracks while moving components. (That is planned for V6 I believe).
In KiCad V5 you can make complex selections by keeping the [Shift] key pressed.
You can then click individual items to toggle selection, and you can use box selection by dragging the mouse while [LMB] is pressed. Dragging to the right only selects fully enclosed items, while dragging to the left also selects items that cross the selection boundaries.
In Windows version of v5.1 it’s possible to switch to the Legacy Toolset (in Preferences menu) temporarily and use context menu -> Footprint -> Drag.
In 5.99 (which can’t be used if you’re not willing to switch to and stay in the unstable devevelopment series of nightly builds) it’s possible to drag with D. It uses the Highlight Collisions mode, so it’s not full push’n’shove, but better than in v4/5.