Move set of object by a certain distance (X, Y) - possible?

Hi all,
Is it possible to select a group of objects and move them all by a certain distance? Such as a distance you’d be able to type on either X or Y? Or maybe as an offset.
Alternatively, it’d be great if it’d be possible to snap to a point, or align to a specific point or line with a dedicated command. Offset, snap, and align are very common commands in any design software.
Is any of the above possible?
Thank you.

In KiCad you have symbols and wires at schematic and footprints and tracks at PCB.
If you write about objects we don’t even know if you ask about schematic or PCB.

At PCB I’m sure it is possible - right click and select Positioning tools.
Not sure of exact wording as I am writing from Win7 and KiCad since V6 needs Win10.

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That works perfect, thank you.

Sorry I wasn’t clear which environment I’m talking about, but as the schematic is wholly diagrammatic, I didn’t imagine it’d be construed I am talking about it. What would a “distance” even mean in that environment?

Schematic is also a drawing on a piece of paper, you can move objects there by specific distances too.

To provide another method of moving something, you can edit the coordinate in properties window, you don’t have to do the math yourself, literally type in + 123 and kicad will shift the object by 123 mm or mil, whatever units you have active.

This works in most numeric text fields like that.


I didn’t know that!
I’ve been doing my own maths and replacing the position.

Thanks for the information. :+1:

I have read all KiCad pdfs when I planned to use KiCad. It was V 4.0.6 … 4.0.7. I didn’t know that pdfs were practically about KiCad V3 so when later I installed KiCad I was surprised it being different than I have just read about.
If my memory is not lying to me, then in those pdfs there were information about fields doing calculations. But prefer to have exact numbers written in the fields so I have never used this functionality.

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