Move relative with a reference point on a footprint

“Positioning tools → Position relative to…” positions a footprint according to the relation between a selected point/item and a footprint’s anchor (see the picture). Is there a way to define a point on a footprint as well? For example a boundary or a graphical center?

Not quite sure what you are asking. Is it:

Wish to redefine the footprint anchor. eg. instead of centre of pad 1, geographical centre of footprint.?

Yes, but temporarily.

Maybe give this one an upvote:


The only way is to place the footprint in a personal library then open that footprint in the Footprint Editor and use the now available “set origin point” (anchor) to any place on the footprint you wish.

Very inconvenient to modify the footprint just to move it precisely.

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There is some compromise to be made. If you always use “everything” as snap points, then the PCB is so crowded with them that they become useless.

But instead of that feature request, I think you can get pretty close with what you want with Positioning Tools / Move with Reference. This enables a lot of the extra snap points such as end points and center points of lines, either in your footprint or elsewhere.

Agree with @paulvdh

The full procedure for Move with Reference is:
Find the location you wish to locate (eg. the corner of a connector).
Place cursor on that position.
Press space bar. (this will zero dx & dy at that position)
Left click connector to move then right click.
Select Move with Reference.
Place cursor at the exact corner of connector and left click.
Move connector now attached to cursor using dx & dy readings until both zero.
Left click connector and the corner is now in the exact position.

Effectively, this has now, temporarily, moved the anchor for exact placement.

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