How can I position the center of the first pad to maintain a 1.52 mm distance from the edge, as specified in the datasheet? I’m currently designing an edge connector and need to ensure accurate placement of the pad
I tried using the positioning tool, considering the edge as the local origin.
However, when I do this, the center of the entire footprint shifts to that point.
I follow the same steps, but how can I place the center point of the first pad exactly at the required coordinates? I used the position tool, but the anchor point was set in the center of the footprint. Now, I need to set it at the center of the first pad. Is this possible?
The method I most often use is to ‘pick up’ the footprint at the required point (select, set cursor on pin 1, press M), move it to the point I want to reference from, then press Space for relative Zero and move to the exact position.
What I do is, in the footprint editor, create a single rectangular pad of required X & Y values.
Next, RMB > Create from Selection > Create Array.
Fill in the details, press OK, and you have the perfectly accurate edge connector with the anchor at the exact centre of pad number 1.
Next, use the appropriate positioning tool or dy / dx or temporarily change your grid to 1.52mm. and position your edge connector.
If I have a help line than (switching grid to 0.01mm) grabbing footprint by this first pad (don’t have KiCad here, but it should be possible, I think) that is enough close to the lines to be observed you can position it with 0.01mm accuracy (you specify required distance with the same accuracy).
Other way is to measure exact distance between my help line and PCB edge line and then use Move Exactly tool.
I think that in case of such footprint I may be have in it a required lines at Edge.Cut layer so I will have them correctly positioned just in footprint and then I will connect the rest of PCB edges to the lines from my footprint.
In footprint editor you can move anchor point to pad 1 center (most THT footprints are defined that way so it should be possible).