Move Altium to Kicad parameter problem

Hi, I want to convert Altium library to Kicad library. This is at this time no possible. It is possible put the Altium library symbols to schematic and than this schematic convert to Kicad. Than select part in schematic and go to symbol editor. With “File>save copy” there is possible save the symbol in some library with all parameter which has before Altium symbol. But this take long time. But in the symbol editor is library created from symbols from hole schematic. But this is problem, this library has only “Kicads” parameters in library symbol properties, reference, value, footprint, datasheet and description.
Is some way to setup Kicad, that all Altium parameter will be in this library?

Have you tried adding your Altium libraries to KiCad’s library tables?



Hi, thank you, it works fine and fast.
It is possible also convert hole project from Altium?

IIRC the import of Altium schematics and boards are done from the Schematic and Layout editors respectively not from the Project manager. Look under File > Import and Altium formats are listed…

As retiredfeline already wrote, there is no direct import of altium projects yet, but you can import the schematic and PCB files. The big lines are:

  1. Create a new KiCad project.
  2. Schematic Editor / File / Import / Non - KiCad schematic
  3. PCB Editor / File / Import / Non - KiCad PCB.
  4. Schematic Editor / Tools / Update PCB from Schematic [F8] and then make sure that you turn on the Re-link Footprints based on their RefDes. checkbox the first time you do do the F8] thing. After the schematic and PCB are synchronized you should turn this option off again.

Hi, thanks for fast answer. I am new in Kicad. Before I worked in Orcad and than in Altium. Now I am old age pensioner and I try to start with Kicad.
I have next question, can I make global changes in Kicad library?
For example change text size in value for hole Library.
How can I make global changing in Schematic and PCB?

Kicad libraries are read only.
To make changes to symbols or footprints, those symbols or footprints must first be moved to personal libraries to alter pin number or pin description sizes.

To make changes to Ref. or Value, in a project, go to Edit > Edit Text and Graphic Properties in either PCB or Schematic Editors and follow your nose. Lots to experiment with.

Also, it is a good idea to start a new thread if you have a question in a new subject. More people will look and more people will be able to find answers while searching the forum :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank all. All the things was helpful.