Move a component

Hello everybody
I have recently started using kicad and I have a question to ask
when I move a component already connected its connections do not follow the relative pitches.
how should i set it so that this does not happen?
thank you

Is this about moving a schematic symbol in Eeschema, or a footprint in Pcbnew?

In Eeschema you can use d, g (or the [Tab] key while moving a block)

In Pcbnew there is no way yet to drag a footprint while keeping tracks attached. Sometimes you can make use of a block move to move a footprint together with the break-out tracks, and then cleanup a bit further from the footprint.

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And with that we mean that version 6 will have the capability to keep tracks attached and handle routing of them when moving (The first release candidates for v6 are expected for early next year).

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