Good question. As there exist other threads in this forum that mention this bug I’m quite sure other people are bitten by it, too, and hopefully “somebody” raised the topic on the issue tracker. But if they were as lucky as myself and did not find the issue tracker then probably not.
I’ll try to record a screencast, but all that happens is this:
open a schematic
select a part
press “M”
→ WarpPointer(705,346); - the coordinate is the in the lower right corner of the drawing area → schematic starts to scroll franaticly.
This happens only with specific pointer devices. In my case it’s the trackpoint (Lenovo T480) and the transformation matrix is set to:
$ xinput --set-prop ‘TPPS/2 IBM TrackPoint’ ‘Coordinate Transformation Matrix’ 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0.1
In an other thread it was mentioned that this happens as soon as the last parameter of the transformation matrix is != 1