Mounting hole, cannot make description invisible

Kicad 5.1.0-1 Windows 10 / 64

I have a simple board on which I would like to suppress the mounting hole “value”.

I would have thought un-checking “visible” would do the trick put it does not.

I found the value cannot be empty, but I could make it a space which works but doesn’t seem right.

Am I misunderstanding the dialog box?

In the below screenshot I only have two layers showing ( Edge Cuts and F.Fab)

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The visible flag definitely works for me on Linux. Can you post the board?

Yes, see attached.

The design has a custom footprint for the 9 terminal strips, however if they are not in the included cache I can send it. However the terminal strips do not have anything directly to do with the issue I am seeing.

There is nothing special about this design. It is simply a board to help me clean up the wiring on my furnace thermostats etc.

John (23.9 KB)

Your board has the “Hidden Text” items shown in the Layers Manager. Uncheck it to hide/show.


Thank you :slight_smile:

I went through every top menu item with no luck, guess I should have kept looking.


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