Modifying existing part (eeschema library editor) - why multiple pins?

I’m editing an existing op amp. When I go to change the pin number, I’m shown multiple pins attached. Has anyone else seen this and knows why it is happening?

I’ve never seen this happening.
Is this symbol from Kicad’s standard library or was it created from scratch? What kicad version do you use?

If I had to guess, this is because it’s a part symbol with multiple “Units”. You may have placed the same pin 4 times when in fact you only needed to do it once.

Have you watched the video on making multi unit parts?

Hi Chris,
You were right. The quad op amp i started with used parts, but did not lock components and somehow would draw 4 different pins on one, then 2 on another. Anyways, i followed your video and fixed (my apologies - since I took the course i would have thought i have some memory…that and you mentioned the video a few days ago!).

ALTHOUGH. I wanted to separate the rails (part E). But the “box” carries no load, so i end up with this error:

It’s seems odd to me when the op amp contains the rails, and 3 pins, i don’t have this issue.

ALSO…and this is because I’m a n00b. I’m totally relieved to have watched the video. I mixed up pins 4 and 11 since I mixed up the meaning behind VSS and VDD which is how the microchip datasheet shows the V+ and V- pins. Dumb but then again can you adults agree on V+ and V-?

Well…anywhoo…i couldn’t seem to get part E to work so I stuck the rails on part A (pins 4 and 11)…didn’t share. This seems to work. So instead of a separate part for V+/V-, just add to one of the op amps.