Modified symbol can't be updated


I have two parts in my schematic, which are modified in the library. The ERC is telling me this, and normally this isn’t an issue. I can update the part via the update dialog with the following settings:

But if I run the ERC again, the issue is still there:

***** Sheet /SENT0/
[lib_symbol_issues]: Symbol 'AQY221R2V' has been modified in library '0_Relay_SolidState'.
    ; Severity: warning
    @(134.62 mm, 139.70 mm): Symbol U44 [AQY221R2V]
[lib_symbol_issues]: Symbol 'AQY221R2V' has been modified in library '0_Relay_SolidState'.
    ; Severity: warning
    @(219.71 mm, 62.23 mm): Symbol U47 [AQY221R2V]
[lib_symbol_issues]: Symbol 'AQY221R2V' has been modified in library '0_Relay_SolidState'.
    ; Severity: warning
    @(219.71 mm, 97.79 mm): Symbol U48 [AQY221R2V]

Even if I remove the symbol and add it again (with the same RefDes), the issue persists.

What can I try to update the symbols and get rid of these warnings?

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If I understand correctly, did you modify symbols in your own library after including them in your schematic? And now you want the symbols in your schematic to reflect the updates?

I do not know the solution to your problem. But I recommend that you next go to help>about>copy version info and post that version information into your next post. Answering my questions above and posting your version information will improve the chance of someone else responding with a better answer.

Here is my version, and I know that there is a newer one. I checked the closed issues for 6.0.1 and there is nothing which would change this. I had the same issue in 5.99, but can’t remember how I got rid of it.

If this is a bug, I will try to create an issue. Right now I think this is PEBKAC

Application: KiCad Schematic Editor (64-bit)

Version: (6.0.0), release build

	wxWidgets 3.1.5
	libcurl/7.78.0-DEV Schannel zlib/1.2.11

Platform: Windows 10 (build 19042), 64-bit edition, 64 bit, Little endian, wxMSW

Build Info:
	Date: Dec 24 2021 19:17:02
	wxWidgets: 3.1.5 (wchar_t,wx containers)
	Boost: 1.76.0
	OCC: 7.5.0
	Curl: 7.78.0-DEV
	ngspice: 35
	Compiler: Visual C++ 1929 without C++ ABI

Build settings:

6.0.1 has fixed a lot of 6.0.0 problems.
Maybe upgrade and test before creating an issue?

If this is a bug, I will try to create an issue. Right now I think this is PEBKAC

Maybe you are not responsible, this could very well be a bug. Look at gitlab-issue #10783:

What can I try to update the symbols and get rid of these warnings?

  • It seems it depends on the order in which the symbols are updated. So updating not all symbols at once but one after another (with different order) may help
  • Mostly it helps to set the “update all”-checkbox and run the update-tool multiple times. But this is not always possible if some symbols are intentially changed in the schematic
  • It helps definitely if I first delete all problematic symbols and after that replace with (same) new ones.
  • I think the problem is with different symbol-instances in the schematic.

I’ve been having the same issue and it has not helped to set the “update all”-checkbox. However, I’ve only tested one or two times, not multiple times. I haven’t yet had the time to run tests to determine steps to reproduce it, and I don’t have any projects which I can share, that’s why I haven’t reported it. I had to turn off that ERC.

Never mind. I tried to reproduce the problem now and made a screen recording to show it, but I wasn’t able to reproduce it. The problem I was having was probably fixed in one of the latest versions.

I have 26 AQY in my design in multiple sheets. When I tried to update the symbol, I must have found the magic sheet. The 5 AQY on this sheet and all other 21 are updated after I tried it again.

No idea why it works, maybe I was in a too deep hierarchical layer. Some functions seem to not work in layers deeper than 1.

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