Mobile EEschema/PCBnew reader


It is very handy to be able to open a schematic/layout reader on tablets, giving the portability to open the schematic/layout anywhere needed where there is no PC. Not to edit but just to read. Is there any way I can open these files on IOs/Android devices?

See also Web Viewing of KiCAD Files.

There’s no “official” reader app.

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The closest that I’ve gotten is plotting/printing as PDF and using a PDF reader on systems that don’t have KiCad installed.

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That’s what I’m also rocking at the moment. :grinning:

eeschema and pcbnew can print as SVG. A quick test shows that Chrome on my desktop can view local SVG files using the file:/// syntax. Haven’t figured out how to do that on Android’s Chrome, or looked for an Android SVG viewer.

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Displaying the schematic sounds easy enough, provided that the symbol cache is present.
The PCB is probably a harder task

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well ibom already creates a web view of the pcb (without copper traces) so i would guess its code could be easily extended to make a full on html view of a layout.

@qu1ck can for sure give more details about that.

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Traces and zones can be shown too

Only F.Cu and B.Cu are rendered because intermediate layers are not needed for assembly and that’s the purpose of the plugin but it wouldn’t be too much work to extend existing code to be full fledged pcb viewer.


This is great! It’s what I was looking for. Clean view, to the point and handy.I like it. :grinning:

Add your vote to a gitlab wishlist feature which might allow such a javascript view to be used as a file preview in gitlab projects:

+1 I think this could be a very nice feature indeed.

An HTML rendered board view would be really useful - this is pretty much what I was after when I was working on a visual board diff program. SVG overlays make visual identification of changes stand out.

1 Like exists already so I won’t prioritize this. It shows both schematic and board.

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