Mixed footprint/component type?

Hi there,

I keep running into more and more mixed technology components, which are THT and SMD both, in my board designs. Would it be possible to have a “Mixed” footprint type added to the footprint editor/library? Even some component distributor parametric searches have the “THT, SMD” as the discrete choice for these types of parts for the same reasons I find myself. They’re not just SMD parts with THT-type appendages for retention; they are genuinely both.

One prominent place where the logic needs to be modified is the 3D viewer, where you can select SMD or THT components visibility. A Mixed footprint should not be shown when SMD and THT are unselected. I’m sure there are other places where this could become useful.

It’s not a blocker, but a nice to have for the reality that footprints are mixed, and I would like to reflect that reality.

Would anyone else find this helpful?

N.B. Please hold your fire with the “but there are more important things to do/fix” responses.


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Or just not classify it as THT or SMD. A connector with SMD pads and THT mounting stakes would be under just Connector.

Not sure I follow what you’re suggesting. The choices are SMD, THT, or Unspecified for a component type in the footprint definition.

There are common components, including connectors, with SMD pads and THT pads for signals simultaneously (not mounting stakes/clips/locating pins). They are Mixed Technology.

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So call them Unspecified.

How does that help the scenario in 3D viewer that I mentioned above?

Ok how about making the THT and SMD attributes toggles so there are 4 combinations: THT, SMD, Both, and Neither?

I thought that the real purpose of the flag was to identify if they used the pick and place process

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Please can you clarify with an example, as I am unsure exactly what you mean. Consider a USB C connector that has a set of SMD pads and a set of mounting holes that are THT usually connected to ground. A little example would help enormously, at least for me.

I’m not exactly sure what you’ want - perhaps it’s an SMD-Pad with a THT (hole with Top and/or Bottom Pad…)

Example shows that along with a Castellated Pad with a THT.

All of those above are my Footprints and they are easy to make…

You turn On/Off the the Pad Type by Double-Clicking Pads to get the Panel… Thus, can select which one you want… This is Kicad’s default way of doing it… And, no way of Toggling them in the Viewer…

There’s no issue creating footprints. Full stop. I’m not confused about the physical attributes of a component either.

There are quite a few parts I’ve run across where there are very good reasons to use them because they are Mixed Technology(!) and not THT or SMT exclusively. They have both attributes of TH and SM for signals. And this does not include shell stakes/tabs etc.

This is a part that exhibits this (there are a bunch of others from all sorts of well known manufacturers).
Click on View Product Drawing to see it in drawing format.

This is one example of many and why I’m suggesting we could benefit from a type Mixed to reflect these type of parts and have the suggested semantics in the 3D Viewer as they aren’t either of the categories that are “Unspecified” (which isn’t surfaced in 3D viewer either).

Hope the feature request I’m proposing is more clear now.



Read first post, second paragraph. :wink:

That’s great, and I’m posting in “Feature Request Chat” to explore the expansion of this context. It’s already exposed in 3D Viewer to toggle parts visibility as well. See 2nd paragraph of the first post.

That’s what I’m suggesting, except THT, SMD, Mixed, and Unspecified.

You wouldn’t need a new keyword mixed if you allow smd and tht together in the attributes.

Awesome, now I understand and using USB C as an example makes it clear. I have never seen this connector before but maybe I will in the future, however an honest answer to your question

I have never found a need for this and have not had my personal workflow impeded to the point I would up vote the request (wouldn’t down vote either!) thanks for your patience.


Does that help identify what gets fitted when?
Something like a power transistor with thermal vias uses the pick and place,
Your USB socket would get added by hand before reflow.

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I try do do the first testing samples of a circuit without SMD.
When it works, I give my customer a list of the components and he looks, which cases are available.
Critical with memorys and tantalum caps.
When we are sure, what we can get for the desired volume, I change the layout appropriately.
This might be repeated some production lots later again.