Missing perticular 3D model for connector


I can not locate a 3D model for IDE model

This was linked with library part IDC-Header_2x08_P2.54mm_Latch9.5mm_Vertical.

I have upgraded from KiCad 6.3 to KiCad 7.0 and now to KiCad 7.0.5 release build.

Above mentioned 3D model .wrl file is missing from the KiCad installation folders.
Not there in KiCad 6 & 7 installation folders.

I could not locate the same on library repository and also using Google search.

Any help in locating the same will be appreciated.

(I am aware of KiCad 6 path shown in the screen shot taken from KiCad 7)
But the file IDC-Header_2x08_P2.54mm_Latch9.5mm_Vertical.wrl is still missing every where.

I am on Windows 10

Best Regards,

see Why a footprint points to a 3D model but the model file doesn't exist? for background explanation. I think this exact 3D-model is just not included in the kicad-package. Maybe there is some comparable 3d-model in the kicad-library? (search the files/folders for somethink with IDC and 2x08)

It seems in this case you are looking for a IDC-header with lever on the sides. I would recommend to search the manufacturer/distributor of your desired IDC-header. An example for instance is the Omron XG4A-1631. Or look at the universal component-search sites (snapeda, samacsys, …)

Many parts do not have models supplied in the KiCad install, but the path is pre-defined.
Parts like connectors are frequently made available by the manufacturer, but under licence conditions that prevent redistribution - they want marketing information from the end user

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Thanks for the suggestion,
I have got a comparable 3D model from SamTec, So I can work with my PCB modeling.

As the linked 3D name from library footprint suggests
I thought the 3D model was there, from KiCad library and I can not find it in any serch.

If any one can serch their installtion for the file.
Will give me some pointer, on inadequecy of my KiCad installtion.

Best Regards,

pre-defined path and component name makes sense, I need not spend efforts in serching the 3D model, which may not be there in the KiCad installation (for the obvious reason stated by @davidsrsb)

Thanks for clarifying my mis understanding

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