Mirrored pcb, footprints

Hello, I need to make mirrored PCB. Is there any solution in kicad without making it all from the beginning? with my first pcb is all good, another one I printed using mirror function but footprints looks wrong, I need to flip it somehow, because now it is shorted to gnd. Awkwardly didin’t saw it from the begging, already soldered everything. :X Is there any simple solution to do this? Or it is better to make edge cuts layer mirrored and redraw all footprints, etc…?

It can be done if the plot is in a graphic format like pdf or dxf. No luck if you want a mirrored gerber output.
Archive->Plot and check the mirror box.
Mirrored pcbs could only work with symmetrical footprints as resistors, caps or diodes.

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I got up early to do the ‘old people’ Covid shopping so I’m short a few hours sleep so if I’m missing this…

Did you simply get this on the wrong layer You meant to print top and routed back? You might just be able to switch the layers.

I mean to make mirror from pcb No. 1 and keep footprint in pcb No. 2 in correct possition. But now I know it is not possible. Thanks.

Can you simply reverse polarity? There’s just enough missing from the picture that it isn’t clear if that can be done.

Not easy here. The diodes have three Anode pins and one Cathode pin, hence are not symmetrical.
This requires differently routed board for a mirror part.

This is KiCad you’re talking about. Most everything is possible, although some things need a bit of a workaround and manual effort.

About the PCB tracks you get close when you draw a big box around the PCB to select everything, and then press “F” for Flip.

Next step probably is:

Pcbnew / Edit / Swap Layers
To bring the front layer to the back, and the back layer to the front.

If visual appearance is important, you may consider using a different kind of LED, that has a symmetrical layout.
Alternatively, you can route your tracks from the side to under the LED, and from there connect to a part of the LED that is under the footprint, so you can not see the differences.

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But impossibility here comes not from KiCad but from RGB LED.

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