Merging outlines of two objects (Create polygon from selection)

Hi all,

I am very new to KiCad and I am very slowly getting the hang of it.

I am trying to make a flexPCB which is a 75x75 mm rectangle with a 25x20 mm “tab” on one side (the tab will be inserted into a slot on my model). Thus, in the ‘Edge.cuts’ layer I created two rectangles aligned along one side (I set their exact dimensions numerically in Properties). I am now trying to generate one continuous edge for the flexPCB outline my merging the footprints of the two rectangles. I was hoping to use “Create from Selection >>> Create polygon from selection”, but I can’t select the two rectangles together. I click Rectangle 1, then hold SHIFT and a plus sign shows up, indicating that I might be able to select Rectangle 2, but selection of both does not happen.

Is what I am describing possible (selecting two rectangles and creating a polygon by merging them), or do I have to manually retrace them from scratch? I would prefer not to do the latter b.c. I need the precise and accurate dimensions.

I apologize if this is a trivial question.

Is what I am describing possible (selecting two rectangles and creating a polygon by merging them)?

Maybe. It depends on the used kicad version, which is until now not known (because the version information is missing in your opening questions).

If you use the currently released version v9.0 then the answer is yes, it’s possible.

  • both rectangles must overlap or at least share one side of the rectangle
  • select both rectangles (if you have difficulties selecting both rectangles: maybe use box-selection, and maybe use the “Dim inactive layers” display mode from the right apparance panel)
  • if both rectangles are selected: RMB-click to get context menu–>Shape Modification–>Merge polygones

Note that my recommendation would not be to use the advanced shape modification (merge) function. For this simple usecase draw the polygone simply on top of the existing rectangles. Make sure to use a decent grid and utilize the snapping function - the drawing tool automatically snaps to all corners of the previously drawn rectangle.

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Many thanks! I apologize I did not mention the kiCad version. I downloaded it just about 2 weeks ago, thus it’s 9.0.0. I followed your instructions, and it was a success! :slight_smile:

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