I was making a keyboard using Kaihl hotswap sockets and used the 3D symbols available on the interwebz. Then I wanted to use the 3D symbols for stabilizers but if I do that I have to use 2 separate symbols in the layout: one for the switch socket and another for the stabilizer and let the courtyards overlap. That is not ideal for me. Is there a way to use the stab and socket 3D symbols linked to the socket footprint so it renders as a compound 3D symbol? Or do I have to use a CAD program to merge both *.step files into one? In symbols 2u and up, there’s always a stabilizer present. It’d be great to be able to just use the 2u, 3u, 6.25u, etc. switch and see both socket and stabilizer rendered in place.
When you specify 3D models for a footprint you can specify more than one. They will be combined in the 3D view. You can also specify offsets and scales for each 3D model.
You’re right! Thank you very much. I’m a n00b so I hadn’t tried adding 3D models after the first. I was sure it was only for one. Thanks again.