Maximum Track Width

I am looking to use Kicad but have not yet downloaded it.
I previously used autocad for my power amplifier boards and could adjust the track width using polylines up to around 6mm for high current lines.
Could anybody tell me of Kicad can produce similar track widths.
For the control circuits I use the narrow widths.

KiCad can use custom track width as wide as you want.
You usually have to have a short thinner section to connect to component pads without violating clearances to other pads.

or use a copper zone (polygon). This gives even more control over where you have copper.

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Thats good; some of the connectors I use have a pitch of 5mm so it allows me to use wide tracks right up to the connector which is through hole.
I will download and get started.
Unfortunately I have about 30 autocad drgs where the polylines disappear when dxf is used to transfer files so I have to redraw the tracks.
Thanks for the info

Here’s an example of some large zone-based tracks sneaking in to the pins of a Lovoltech JFET (which is packaged in a somewhat cramped TO-251):

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Is this an audio amp using a discontinued part?


P.S. - That’s a good illustration of the point @Rene_Poschl made back at Post #3.

Yes; it’s a DIY version of a FirstWatt F3. Nelson Pass still has a bunch of LU1014D’s in a drawer somewhere. :wink:


PS: Nelson sent me a handful so I’ve got a few spares if you’re interested…

Looks good, Most of my board layouts are on autocad with plotlines used for the tracks.
Unfortunately when I dxf a drg the polyline width disappears.
Also I have had problems importing into kicad as the layers do not match

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