Massive Grid Loss

Hi all,

being new to this forum I hope to get some support. I checked the forum for similar questions, but most of them are outdated with respect to used KiCad version.

I’m using:

KiCad Schematic Editor x64 on x64 Version: 7.0.5, release build

Platform: Windows 10 (build 19045), 64-bit edition, 64 bit, Little endian, wxMSW

My problem is that after moving parts in the schematic editor I massively lost connections between end of wire and symbol pin (see attached figure).
Unfortunately I struggle even to repair. Touching a symbol, press ‘m’ (for move), the symbol already moves a little, which make me believe that it snaps on grid. Deleting all wires and re-wire all the stuff I again get message that either symbol pin or wire are not on grid. :frowning_face:

Is there any way to “restore” the symbols on grid. Actually I haven’t done anything than just moving them. An activity I have done in the past without any problems - but, from day to another (today) everything touched gets off-grid - and getting more than 500 warning after I have them cleaned up all warnings and errors just recently.

Your support is appreciated.

select all symbols+wires, RMB-click (RightMouseButton) -->context-menu–>Align elements to grid.


  • set the grid to 0,05" as standard, change only for graphic items/text/fields (and change back as fast as possible)
  • set the grid to 0,05" before you run the ERC-command
  • if you use copy/paste (CTRL-c/CTRL-V) or any other hotkey with CTRL-combination make sure to release CTRL-key before you place any item: the CTRL-key is the “don’t snap to grid” modifier key


You saved my day!!! It works - many, many thanks!

And thanks with the hint about the CTRL-combination. I think that is been the source of my problem (including that I wasn’t aware of having the grid set to 10mil; so I corrected it)

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Besides the CTRL key, another common source for the grid not being 50 mil. is the hotkey N. The default use of the N hotkey is “Switch to next Grid”.
When using the Schematic, if you accidentally miss the M-move key and hit the N key, you will change the Grid from 50 mil to something else.

To overcome this problem it is easiest to reallocate the N key.

My personal fix to solve this typing problem was to assign the N to Grid Properties, which harmlessly shows the Properties box if accidentally hit, and also is a convenient way to check the grid in use.
“Switch to next Grid” is now “Alt + N”… easy to remember and hard to accidentally use.


The Schematic Editor makes it far too easy to change the grid by accident. Another unfortunate victim.


There are some major changes to Grid Properties for 7.99 including a new title “Grid Settings”

After reading your answer I figured out that, obviously, I haven’t been the first with that problem, and that this topic is often discussed already.
I think I also may hit the N key without seeing any response in the schematic editor (except this very tiny little change in the number of the actual grid) and thus was just going on … I will reallocate as you proposed as it seems quite reasonable.

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Your current working grid, along with mouse cursor co-ordinates, zoom, and various other pieces of information is always showing at the very bottom of your screen, but it is so easy to not notice this especially if you are new to the program and concentrating on drawing.

I also noticed you are using 7.0.5. There have been a lot of bug fixes since 7.0.5. Kicad is now up to 7.0.9. It would be worth your while to upgrade when you find a little time and inclination. :smiley:

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I will. But right now I’m in the middle of designing a two PCBs so I wait until there are done.

There is no reason to wait with updating KiCad. Increments in the third digit are only bug fix releases, and the chance on any sort of trouble is very minimal.

But always make a backup first.
7.0.9 has been official for a month now, so any serious issues would have been detected.

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