I’m using inventree to keep track of stock and project BOM’s which is working really well.
In KiCad I’ve setup a additional symbol field called IPN. This is then used in my custom BOM generation script where a csv file is generated listing IPN, refernce, value and quantity.
I then import the csv file into inventree where the IPN number is matched to the stock IPN number I have setup in inventee and the parts list is auto generated for the project.
The issue I have is obviously none of the standard KiCad parts have a IPN number and I can’t edit KiCad’s default symbols (without creating a copy)
The only option I can think of is create a copy of all the parts I use in KiCad (and populate the IPN). This seems like a lot of work with duplication. Is there some other method I can use which I’m not thinking of?
Currently I create the new schematic in KiCad and copy and paste the IPN from inventree into KiCad which is far from ideal.
KiCad v7 supports a database correct? Would using this make things easier?
(Never used the database function in KiCad but very familiar with MySQL)