Madparts functional footprint editor release 2.0.2


I’ve made available a new bugfix release of my quirky ‘functional footprint editor’ madparts. As I use it primary together with KiCad it seems relevant here.

Highlights of this release:

  • bugfixes concerning removal of “id” and “parent” introduced in 2.0
  • documentation fixes (thanks Erich Heinzle)
  • fix examples
  • experimental oval hole support
  • support for no-paste smd pads
  • support for custom paste layers
  • fix detection of eagle version (thanks Tamas TEVESZ)

get it at



nice work!

can I suggest you put a screenshot right at the top of your website. it would clearly show new users what your project is about i.e. script -> footprint. A bit like OpenSCAD.

I would vote for python as the scripting language - why learn a new one (coffee) only for this purpose.

There is a screenshot shown on the main web page:

Supporting python instead of coffeescript is on my wish-list but there are some more fundamental things (like getting rid of the openGL dependency) I want to address first.