So I have been routing a board and have been wondering if there is a way to have design rules that aren’t necessarily “strictly” enforced. Like for instance I like using the push pull router but it would be nice if by default it would leave a bit more space between tracks. But if I set the design rules to wider track spacing I can’t route out from a narrow pin pitch IC. Any ideas as far as design rules the pcb router tries to accommodate but aren’t necessary to pass DRC?
You can manually ignore the errors / warnings for which you decide that the violation is acceptable. Right click on the error / warning and select “Exclude this violation”.
I have read (year or two ago) that some solutions in that direction are worked on. May be they are in V6 (I can’t check as I don’t have Win10). As I understand you will be able to specify different rules for some regions. For example you will be able to set lower clearances near a dense IC. So pushing will be keeping different clearance depending where you are doing it.
As far as I know they try to implement this for Kicad 7, like having separate minimum and optimal values for widths, clearances and so on.
Yes; the separate min/max/opt values for rules made it in to 6.0. But the router doesn’t look at them yet.
You can define difference clearances for different areas of the board in 6.0 (or for whatever criteria you come up with). This is done via custom rules.
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