Looking for HC-06, L293D schematic and footprint

A newbie. I am trying to design a PCB that has an Atmel chip, an H bridge L293D and a Bluetooth HC-06 module. The Atmel chip data is already in the KiCAD library, but I dont see the other two. These are extremely popular chips especially in the DIY community, which is also the KiCAD community. Am I missing something? Where can I get these?

What you’re missing is simply the fact that once you have some experience with KiCad (or any CAD package) that it’s usually less time to actually create the footprints themselves than to ask for someone else to supply them on some forum. This is not mean to criticize you in any way, just telling you why there isn’t as big a ‘market’ for forum footprints as you’d expect when starting out.

That being said, have a look at:
Sockets_DIP > DIP-16
Housings_SOIC > SOIC-20
Housings_SOIC > SOIC-28

[quote=“songzhuang, post:1, topic:803”]
Bluetooth HC-06 module
[/quote]What is the mounting on those actually called? I was considering incorporating HC-05 on a future project too.


minimalpostsizeisnotalwaysproductivebuttheansweris: Castellations

Thanks - I could never have known to search for that!