Looking for 2x8 Pin Socket for L293D IC

Hi, newbie to KiCad so please be kind :wink:

One of my ICs is an L293D IR proximity sensor. Pin layout is 1-16 clockwise. I have a suitable schematic for the chip but can only find a footprint with the socket numbers run odd down one side and even on the other.

My question; is there a footprint that matches the L293D pinout or would I need to create my own?

Thanks for your help.

L293D is a H-Bridge chip.

please provide the datasheet for the IC in question. There is a high chance a standard footprint that is suitable, if not they are not hard to create

Where in the library do you find the odd/even footprint? Pinouts on these packages are normally standardized.

Are you looking surface mount or thru hole?

Are you confusing symbol and footprint? Perhaps you’re coming from another CAD program where they are conflated. They are separate concepts in Kicad.

On a symbol the pins can be arranged any way, usually they are grouped functionally. If the package is standard then there is probably already a suitable footprint in the library. AFAICT that IC comes in standard THT and SMT packages.

Also, be careful when looking at pinouts and be cognizant of top view vs. bottom view. For example, standard ICs have their pin numbers counter clockwise looking at top view. But some datasheets give a bottom view which would show clockwise pin numbering. (Don’t know why they do that… Possibly to help troubleshooting when looking at the bottom side of a board?) Read the fine print around the drawings and hopefully it will specify top view vs. bottom view.

I also echo @Naib’s request for the datasheet of the part you are interested in. I also know of the L293D as an H-Bridge chip for driving motors, nothing to do with IR proximity.

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