All of the sudden I’m getting an error when starting pcbnew: “LoadLibrary failed with error 87”. PcbNew will not start at all without this error.
As usual, indicate the complete version info you’re working with.
Sorry, I’m using version 5.02
If the error message is followed by “Wrong parameter”, it looks like it’s a graphics driver issue, rather than a PCBnew / KiCad issue. Check the complete error message in a search engine.
I just uninstalled 5.02 and installed the latest nightly build. Same error: “LoadLibrary failed with error 87: The parameter is incorrect.”.
This seems like a significant bug that the app would just crash and not handle this more gracefully.
If this is a graphics driver bug then it could be happening because I’m trying to run over an RDP session. But this fact should not have any impact – the app should run.
Is there a way to get this working? I searched the forums and found nothing for this error.
Use the normal google search, it’s not KiCad specific. First make sure you have the latest graphics card drivers installed on your machine.
For future reference, use Help->About KiCad->Copy Version Info and paste it to the message. People use KiCad on Windows, Mac and Linux and it may make all the difference.
For clarity, you can do this from the KiCad project manager and/or EESchema. Also, are you launching PCBNew directly or from either the project manager and/or EESchema?
I verified that this problem is in fact caused by RDP. PcbNew works fine on the PC but will not run over RDP. Sad. Seems like a bug that should be fixed. In the mean time I’m running KiCad in a VM when I need to run remotely. Not ideal, but it works.
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